and Opinion
from The Guardian
George Monbiot is the author of The Age of Consent: A Manifesto for
a New World Order, published by Flamingo; Captive State: The Corporate
Takeover of Britain, and the investigative travel books Poisoned Arrows,
Amazon Watershed and No Mans Land. In 1995 Nelson Mandela presented
him with a United Nations Global 500 Award for outstanding environmental
achievement. He has also won the Lloyds National Screenwriting Prize
for his screenplay The Norwegian, a Sony Award for radio production,
the Sir Peter Kent Award and the OneWorld National Press Award. The
columns reproduced here were first published in the British national
newspaper, The Guardian.
These columns will be posted each week as 2-page articles ready for
printing as inserts into an 8.5" by 11" binder. The cover
(above) may be downloaded for printing as a binder insert.
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- December 16, 2003
A weapon with wings
will probably be commemorating the wrong people in Kitty Hawk, North
Carolina, tomorrow. Five months before the Wright brothers lifted a
flying machine into the air for 12 seconds above the sand dunes of the
Outer Banks, the New Zealander Richard Pearse had travelled for more
than a kilometre in his contraption, without the help of ramps or slides,
and had even managed to turn his plane in mid-flight. But history belongs
to those who record it, so tomorrow is the official centenary of the
aeroplane. At Kitty Hawk, George Bush will deliver a eulogy to aviation,
while a number of men with more money than sense will seek to recreate
the Wrights first flight. Well, they can keep their anniversary.
Tomorrow should be a day of international mourning. December 17 2003
is the centenary of the worlds most effective killing machine.
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- December 9, 2003
Invasion of the entryists
of strangest aspects of modern politics is the dominance of former left-wingers
who have swung to the right. The neo-cons pretty well run
the White House and the Pentagon, the Labour party and key departments
of the British government. But there is a group which has travelled
even further, from the most distant fringes of the left to the extremities
of the pro-corporate libertarian right. While its politics have swung
around 180 degrees, its tactics entering organisations and taking
them over appear unchanged. Research published for the first
time today suggests that the members of this group have colonised a
crucial section of the British establishment.
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2, 2003
Bottom of the barrel
oil industry is buzzing. On Thursday, the government approved the development
of the biggest deposit discovered in British territory for at least
10 years. Everywhere we are told that this is a huge find,
which dispels the idea that North Sea oil is in terminal decline. You
begin to recognise how serious the human predicament has become when
you discover that this huge new field will supply the world
with oil for five and a quarter days.
Every generation has its taboo, and ours is this: that the resource
upon which our lives have been built is running out. We dont talk
about it because we cannot imagine it. This is a civilisation in denial.
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25, 2003
The moral myth
is no use telling the hawks that bombing a country in which al-Qaida
was not operating was unlikely to rid the world of al-Qaida. It is no
use arguing that had the billions spent on the war with Iraq been used
instead for intelligence and security, atrocities such as last weeks
attacks in Istanbul may have been prevented. As soon as one argument
for the invasion and occupation of Iraq collapses, they switch to another.
Over the past month, almost all the warriors - Bush, Blair and the belligerents
in both the conservative and the liberal press - have fallen back on
the last line of defence, the argument we know as the moral case
for war.
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- Flashback to October 2001
Backyard terrorism
any government sponsors the outlaws and killers of innocents,
George Bush announced on the day he began bombing Afghanistan, they
have become outlaws and murderers themselves. And they will take that
lonely path at their own peril. Im glad he said any
government, as theres one which, though it has yet to be
identified as a sponsor of terrorism, requires his urgent attention.
For the past 55 years it has been running a terrorist training camp,
whose victims massively outnumber the people killed by the attack on
New York, the embassy bombings and the other atrocities laid, rightly
or wrongly, at al-Qaidas door.
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November 2003
Dreamers and idiots
a few hundred elderly people converge on a seaside town for the annual
conference of the Conservative party, all leave for Britains journalists
is cancelled. Every stave and quaver of the death rattle of a moribund
movement is recorded and drummed into our ears. But when 51,000 mostly
young people converge for a conference on the future of politics, they
are ignored. The European Social Forum, which ended in Paris on Sunday,
generated just one report in the printed editions of the British mainstream
press. Doubtless the papers will inform us again this week that young
people have lost interest in politics.
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November 2003
Rattling the bars
who would take us to war must first shut down the public imagination.
They must convince us that there is no other means of preventing invasion,
or conquering terrorism, or even defending human rights. When information
is scarce, imagination is easy to control. As intelligence gathering
and diplomacy are conducted in secret, we seldom discover - until it
is too late - how plausible the alternatives may be. So those of us
who called for peace before the wars with Iraq and Afghanistan were
mocked as effeminate dreamers.
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November 2003
Acceptable hatred
an English village building an effigy of a car, with caricatures of
black people in the windows and the number plate N1GGER,
and burning it in a public ceremony. Then imagine one of Britains
most socially conscious MPs appearing to suggest that black people were
partly to blame for the way they had been portrayed. It is, or so we
should hope, unimaginable. But something very much like it happened
last week.
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October 2003
Tony Blair's new friend
Hussein was a brutal tyrant. While there was no legal argument for forcibly
deposing him on the grounds of his abuse of human rights, there was
a moral argument. It is one which our prime minister made repeatedly
and forcefully. The moral case against war has a moral answer:
it is the moral case for removing Saddam, Tony Blair told the
Labour partys spring conference in February. Ridding the
world of Saddam would be an act of humanity. It is leaving him there
that is in truth inhumane. Had millions of British people not
accepted this argument, Tony Blair might not be prime minister today.
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October 2003
The flight to India
you live in a rich nation in the English-speaking world, and most of
your work involves a computer or a telephone, dont expect to have
a job in five years time. Almost every large company which relies
upon remote transactions is starting to dump its workers and hire a
cheaper labour force overseas. All those concerned about economic justice
and the distribution of wealth at home should despair. All those concerned
about global justice and the distribution of wealth around the world
should rejoice. As we are, by and large, the same people, we have a
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October 2003
States of war
relationship between governments and those who seek favours from them
has changed. Not long ago, lobbyists would visit politicians and bribe
or threaten them until they got what they wanted. Today, ministers lobby
the lobbyists. Whenever a big business pressure group holds its annual
conference or dinner, Tony Blair or Gordon Brown or another senior minister
will come and beg it not to persecute the government. George Bush flies
around the United States, flattering the companies that might support
his re-election, offering tax breaks and subsidies even before the companies
ask for them.
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October 2003
Force-fed a diet of hype
is curious that this government, which goes to such lengths to show
that it responds to market forces, appears to believe, when it comes
to genetic modification, that the customer is always wrong. Tony Blair
may have spent six years rolling back the nanny state, but he instructs
us to shut up and eat what were given. The public has comprehensively
rejected the technology; the chief scientist has warned that pollen
contamination may be impossible to prevent; the field trials suggest
that GM threatens our remaining wildlife. Yet the government seems determined
to force us to accept it.
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September 2003
The patient is dying
basking in the afterglow of Tony Blairs thunderous platitudes, most
of the delegates to the Labour conference will tomorrow snore through
the complexities of a policy that spells the end of everything their party
once stood for. The motion calling on the government to abandon its privatisation
of the health service may well be passed, but unless the delegates leave
the conference centre with the prime ministers head on a pike, it
wont make a blind bit of difference. Only a massive and sustained
revolt by the membership of the Labour party can now save the National
Health Service.
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September 2003
A threat to the rich
there a Nobel Prize for hypocrisy, it would be awarded this year to
Pascal Lamy, the EU's trade negotiator. A week ago, in the Guardian's
trade supplement, he argued that the World Trade Organisation (WTO)
"helps us move from a Hobbesian world of lawlessness into a more
Kantian world perhaps not exactly of perpetual peace, but at
least one where trade relations are subject to the rule of law.
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September 2003
The myth of localism
the world trade talks beginning in Cancun, Mexico tomorrow, two battles
will be fought. The first will be the battle between the campaigners demanding
fair trade and the rich-nation delegates demanding unfair trade. The second
will be the dispute now brewing within the ranks of those who claim to
be helping the poor.
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September 2003
The worst of times
world is beginning to look like France, a few years before the Revolution.
There are no reliable wealth statistics from that time, but the disparities
are unlikely to have been greater than they are today. The wealthiest
5% of the worlds people now earn 114 times as much as the poorest
5%. The 500 richest people on earth now own $1.54 trillion more
than the entire gross domestic product of Africa, or the combined annual
incomes of the poorest half of humanity.
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August 2003
Beware the bluewash
US governments problem is that it has built its foreign policy
on two great myths. The first is that it is irresistible; the second
is that as time advances, life improves. In Iraq it is trapped between
the two. To believe that it can be thwarted, and that its occupation
will become harder rather than easier to sustain as time goes by, requires
that it disbelieves all that it holds to be most true.
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August 2003
Poisoned chalice
how much longer should we give those who run the global economy the benefit
of the doubt? The International Monetary Fund has made the same mistake
so many times that only one explanation appears to remain: it is engineering
disaster. The crises over which it has presided in Thailand, South Korea,
Russia and Argentina are well-documented by Joseph Stiglitz, the former
chief economist of the World Bank, among others.
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August 2003
With eyes wide shut
live in a dream world. With a small, rational part of the brain, we recognise
that our existence is governed by material realities, and that, as those
realities change, so will our lives. But underlying this awareness is
the deep semi-consciousness that absorbs the moment in which we live,
then generalises it, projecting our future lives as repeated instances
of the present. This, not the superficial world of our reason, is our
true reality. All that separates us from the indigenous people of Australia
is that they recognise this and we do not.
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August 2003
Driven out of Eden
is surely one of the most brazen evasions of reality ever painted. John
Constables The Cornfield completed in 1826 and now hanging
in the National Gallerys new exhibition, Paradise evokes,
at the very height of the enclosure movement, a flawless rural harmony.
. . It is a glittering lie . . . For what Constable has done is what
human beings have always done, and continue to do today. Confronted
by atrocities, we invoke a prelapsarian wonder. We construct our Gardens
of Eden, real or imagined, out of other peoples hell.
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July 2003
America is a religion
death of Uday and Qusay, the commander of the ground forces in
Iraq told reporters on Wednesday, is definitely going to be a
turning point for the resistance. Well, it was a turning point,
but unfortunately not of the kind he envisaged. On the day he made his
announcement, Iraqi insurgents killed one US soldier and wounded six
others. On the following day, they killed another three; over the weekend
they assassinated five and injured seven. Yesterday they slaughtered
one more and wounded three. This has been the worst week for US soldiers
in Iraq since George Bush declared that the war there was over. .
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July 2003
Diary of a bilious old git
is over, and at last the students have cleared out of Oxford, my home
town. No one who lives here is sorry to see them go, except the proprietors
of the off-licences. Theres something about the way they walk
while wearing black tie which drives me beserk.
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July 2003
Our fake patriots
prediction was not hard to make. If Britain kept supporting the US government
as it trampled the sovereignty of other nations, before long it would
come to threaten our own. But few guessed that this would happen so
soon. Long ago, Britain informally surrendered much of its determination
of foreign policy to the United States. We have sent our soldiers to
die for that country in two recent wars, and our politicians to lie
for it. But now the British government is going much further. It is
ceding control to the US over two of the principal instruments of national
self-determination: judicial authority and military policy.
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July 2003
In the shadow of extinction
is old news, I admit. Two hundred and fifty-one million years old, to
be precise. But the story of what happened then, which has now been
told for the first time, demands our urgent attention. Its implications
are more profound than anything taking place in Iraq, or Washington,
or even (and I am sorry to burst your bubble) Wimbledon. Unless we understand
what happened, and act upon that intelligence, prehistory may very soon
repeat itself, not as tragedy, but as catastrophe.
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June 2003
I was wrong about trade
years ago I would have raised at least two cheers. The US government,
to judge by the aggressive noises now being made by its trade negotiators,
seems determined to wreck one of the most intrusive and destructive
of the instruments of global governance: the World Trade Organisation.
A few years ago, I would have been wrong. The only thing worse than
a world with the wrong international trade rules is a world with no
trade rules at all. George Bush seems to be preparing to destroy the
WTO at the next world trade talks in September not because its rules
are unjust, but because they are not unjust enough.
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June 2003
We can seize the day
week Jack Straw illuminated the depths of his political cowardice by shining
upon them the full and feeble beam of his political courage. He proposed
to alter the constitution of the UN security council. He would like to
double its permanent membership, though without granting the new members
the privileges accorded to the five existing ones. He must know that this
scheme will be rejected by the proposed new entrants, yet he fears to
tread more firmly upon the toes of the incumbents.
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June 2003
Lets do a Monsanto
about the launch of the [British] governments great GM debate
last week rang a bell. It was, perhaps, the contrast between the ambition
of its stated aims and the feebleness of their execution. Though the environment
secretary, Margaret Beckett, claims she wants to ensure all voices
are heard, she has set aside an advertising budget of precisely
zero. Public discussions will take place in just six towns. Then I got
it. Five years ago, Monsanto, the worlds most controversial biotechnology
company, did the same thing . . .
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June 2003
Africa's scar gets angrier
the defining moment of Tony Blairs premiership was the speech
that he gave to the Labour party conference in October 2001. In June,
his party had returned to office with a monumental majority. In September,
two planes were flown into the World Trade Centre in New York. The speech
appeared to mark his transition from the insecure, focus-group junkie
of Labours first term to a visionary and a statesman, determined
to change the world.
The most memorable passage was his declaration on Africa. The
state of Africa, he told us, is a scar on the conscience
of the world. But if the world as a community focused on it, we could
heal it. And if we dont, it will become deeper and angrier.
This being so, I would respectfully ask our visionary prime minister
to explain what the hell he thinks he is doing in France.
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May 2003
Lets hear it for Belgium
is becoming an interesting country. In the course of a week, it has
managed to upset both liberal opinion in Europe - by granting the far-right
Vlaams Blok 18 parliamentary seats - and illiberal opinion in the US.
On Wednesday, a human rights lawyer filed a case with the federal prosecutors
whose purpose is to arraign Thomas Franks, the commander of the American
troops in Iraq, for crimes against humanity. This may be the only judicial
means, anywhere on earth, of holding the US government to account for
its actions.
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May 2003
Don't cry for Clare
of the Guardians readers will, for all her faults, have shed a
few tears at the departure of our [Britains] development secretary.
Clare Short may have failed, in March, to act upon her threat to resign
over the war with Iraq. But even those who have turned against her will
miss that splash of colour on the front benches, the old Labour warrior
who still spoke the language of feeling, and who, as if by magic, had
somehow survived the control freaks and the little grey men for six
vivid and tumultuous years. Westminster will be a bleaker and a colder
place without her.
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May 2003
Poor, but pedicured
global economy is working. The rich may be acquiring an ever greater
share of the worlds wealth, the ecosystem may be collapsing, but
or so we believe the poor are emerging from poverty. This
is portrayed as the ultimate test of the great neo-liberal experiment:
if, as the worlds resources are privatised and its corporations
deregulated, the war against poverty is being won, then the accompanying
inequality and destruction can be accounted as little more than collateral
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April 2003
Death of the secret ballot
are two big questions about the local elections on Thursday, but only
one of them is being asked. The first is whether people will bother
to vote. The emerging rule of British politics appears to be that the
bigger the issues at stake, the smaller the choice. The second is a
question seldom asked of a British election: will it be free and fair?
While British people may regard the process of choosing between almost
identical candidates as unspeakably dull, we retain an affecting faith
in its deportment. After all, we invented the idea, and we send election
monitors all over the world to ensure that lesser beings are implementing
it properly. Our complacency is beginning to look ill-founded.
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April 2003
The bottom dollar
problem with American power is not that its American. Most states
with the resources and opportunities the US possesses would have done
far worse. The problem is that one nation, effectively unchecked by
any other, can, if it chooses, now determine how the rest of the world
will live. Eventually, unless we stop it, it will use this power. So
far, it has merely tested its new muscles.
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April 2003
The bottom dollar
problem with American power is not that its American. Most states
with the resources and opportunities the US possesses would have done
far worse. The problem is that one nation, effectively unchecked by
any other, can, if it chooses, now determine how the rest of the world
will live. Eventually, unless we stop it, it will use this power. So
far, it has merely tested its new muscles.
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April 2003
Chemical hypocrites
Saddam Hussein so pig-headedly failed to shower US troops with chemical
weapons as they entered Iraq, thus depriving them of a retrospective
justification for this war, the American generals explained that he
would do so as soon as they crossed the red line around
Baghdad. Beyond that point, the desperate dictator would lash out with
every weapon he possessed. Well, the line has been crossed and recrossed,
and not a whiff of mustard gas or VX has so far been detected.
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April 2003
It will end in disaster
far, the liberators have succeeded only in freeing the souls of the
Iraqis from their bodies. Saddam Husseins troops have proved less
inclined to surrender than they had anticipated, and the civilians less
prepared to revolt. But while no one can now ignore the immediate problems
this illegal war has met, we are beginning, too, to understand what
should have been obvious all along: that, however this conflict is resolved,
the outcome will be a disaster.
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March 2003
One rule for them
the government of the United States has discovered the virtues of international
law. It may be waging an illegal war against a sovereign state; it may
be seeking to destroy every treaty which impedes its attempts to run
the world, but when five of its captured soldiers were paraded in front
of the Iraqi television cameras on Sunday, Donald Rumsfeld, the US defence
secretary, immediately complained that it is against the Geneva
convention to show photographs of prisoners of war in a manner that
is humiliating for them.
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March 2003
A wilful blindness
is surely no more obvious symptom of the corruption of western politics
than the disproportion between the money available for sustaining life
and the money available for terminating it. We could, I think, expect
that, if they were asked to vote on the matter, most of the citizens of
the rich world would demand that their governments spend as much on humanitarian
aid as they spend on developing new means of killing people. But the military-industrial
complex is a beast which becomes both fiercer and hungrier the more it
is fed.
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March 2003
A wilful blindness
almost all those who supported the war in Afghanistan and are now calling
for a new one have forgotten is that there are two sides to every conflict,
and therefore two sets of outcomes to every victory. The Afghan regime
changed, but so, in subtler ways, did the government of the US. It was
empowered not only by its demonstration of military superiority but
also by the widespread support it enjoyed. It has used the licence it
was granted in Afghanistan as a licence to take its war wherever it
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Out of the wreckage
men who run the world are democrats at home and dictators abroad. They
came to power by means of national elections which possess, at least,
the potential to represent the will of their people. Their citizens
can dismiss them without bloodshed, and challenge their policies in
the expectation that, if enough people join in, they will be obliged
to listen. Internationally, they rule by brute force.
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Too much of a good thing
are a biological weapon. On Saturday the anti-war movement released
some 70,000 tonnes of organic material onto the streets of London, and
similar quantities in locations all over the world. This weapon of mass
disruption was intended as a major threat to the security of western
governments. Our marches were unprecedented, but they have, so far,
been unsuccessful.
here to download (40kb)
Finding excuses to crush the poor
the day George Bush delivered his state of the union address, the Pentagon
received a visitor. A few hours before the president told the American
people that we will not permit the triumph of violence in the
affairs of men, General Carlos Ospina, head of the Colombian army,
was shaking hands with his American counterpart. Let us dwell for a
moment on his career as a brigadier, and his impressive contribution
to the war against terror.
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Protest is stronger than ever
Bush and Mr Blair might have a tougher fight than they anticipated.
Not from Saddam Hussein perhaps although it is still not obvious
that they can capture and hold Iraqs cities without major losses
but from an anti-war movement that is beginning to look like
nothing the world has seen before..
here to download (40kb)
January 2003
Out of the wreckage
rest of Europe must be wondering whether Britain has gone into hibernation.
Our Prime Minister is likely to announce the decision he made months
ago, that Britain will follow the US into Iraq. If so, then two or three
weeks later, the war will begin. Unless the UN inspectors find something,
this will be a war without even the flimsiest of pretexts: an unprovoked
attack whose purpose is to enhance the wealth and power of an American
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