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on the conflict in the Middle East

Uri Avnery created a sensation when he crossed the lines during the
battle of Beirut and met Yassir Arafat on July 3, 1982. Several Israeli
cabinet ministers called for Avnery's indictment for high treason, while
peace activists hailed the meeting as a historical breakthrough. It
was the culmination of an effort started by Avnery many years earlier.
A former member of the Irgun underground, he joined Ha'aretz newspaper
in 1949, quitting a year later to edit the magazine Haolam Hazeh magazine,
which proved to be a thorn in the flesh to a number of Israeli governments.
Avnery was ambushed and both his hands broken in 1953 and escaped an
assassination bid in 1975. He became a member of the Israeli parliament,
the Knesset, in 1969 at the head of a party that took its name from
his magazine.
These columns will be posted each week as articles ready for printing
as inserts into an 8.5" by 11" binder. The cover (above) may
be downloaded for printing as a binder insert.
here to download Cover (124kb)
52. December 25, 2004
A wreath for Blair
curious incident is the barking of the dog, Sherlock Holmes remarked.
But the dog did not bark! exclaimed Dr. Watson.
That is the curious incident!
This weeks curious incident concerns the wreath of Tony Blair.
The wreath that he did not lay on the grave of Yasser Arafat. Elementary,
dear Watson.
Blair did go to the graveside. But he omitted the natural and customary
thing: laying a wreath. Neither did he bow. He just tilted his head
a few centimeters and hastened to get away..
here to download (36kb)
51. December 18, 2004
The mountain and the mouse
Sharons speech at the Herzliya Conference, an annual
gathering of Israels financial, political and academic aristocracy,
proved again his wondrous ability to conjure up an imaginary world and
divert attention away from the real one. Like every successful con-man,
he knows that the audience desperately wants to believe good tidings
and will be happy to ignore bad ones. It was an optimistic message,
as the bewitched commentators proclaimed. According to him, we are on
our way to paradise, 2005 will be a year of tremendous progress in all
fields and all our problems will be solved.
here to download (36kb)
50. December 11, 2004
The boss has gone crazy
the fruit sellers at the Tel Aviv market shout the boss has gone
crazy! they mean that they are selling their merchandise at ridiculously
low prices. In the worlds capitals, a similar cry is now being
heard: The boss has gone crazy! - but it is not about the
price of tomatoes. It refers to the new situation, after the reelection
of George W. Bush for four more years. In many places, Bush is seen
as a crazy cowboy, the kind who rides into town shooting in all directions.
He has attacked Afghanistan. He has attacked Iraq. His neocon handlers
want to attack Syria and Iran in the next phase. They want to establish
subservient regimes everywhere (promoting democracy in the Middle
East), station permanent American garrisons in the region and
control the worlds oil market, and - last but not least - help
Ariel Sharon to fulfil his plans. Now, in his second term of office,
Bush can do pretty much as he pleases.
here to download (36kb)
49. December 4, 2004
Widow of opportunity?
immediate reaction to Marwan Barghoutis registration as a candidate
for the presidency of the Palestinian Authority was positive. First
of all, I am always in favor of the underdog. And who could be more
of an underdog than a prisoner? Second, I respect the man. I have met
him at planning meetings for joint peace actions. I have demonstrated
for him in Tel-Aviv and been forcibly evicted from the court building,
with a rightist lynch mob howling in the background. Third, the Marwan
Barghouti candidacy puts the fate of the Palestinian prisoners on the
agenda - those prisoners of war who are treated like common criminals
by Israel. Fourth, his candidacy (if he exercises it) will set the stage
for a scene unprecedented in the Arab world: an election where the victory
of one candidate is no assured in advance. An Abu Mazen-Marwan Barghouti
confrontation would be a real fight.
here to download (36kb)
48. November 27, 2004
Give me some credit
me some credit! the new Israeli Prime Minister, Levi Eshkol, cried
out at the Labor Party convention in February 1965, addressing David
Ben-Gurion. From the moment he resigned, Ben-Gurion started to undermine
his successor. Eshkol, who until then had only dealt with finances,
looked pale and ineffectual next to his monumental predecessor, the
Father of the State, the leader in two wars. Eshkol meant his words
quite literally. He said: Ben-Gurion, I shall use the language
of a treasurer: Give me some credit! Thats all I ask, for one
term in office, four years at most!
here to download (36kb)
47. November 20, 2004
Who's next?
W. Bush is a product of the Wild West myth. He sees himself as the fast-drawing
sheriff who kills the bad guys and maintains order in town. But in fact
he is much more like another stock figure of the Westerns: the top-hatted
vendor of the patent medicine which heals everything: tooth-ache and
belly-ache, cholera and impotence, gunshot wounds and heart attacks.
Bushs patent medicine is called democracy. Democracy
will heal all the diseases of the Middle East and the entire world.
If only the Muslim nations would buy his little flask, all problems
would be solved, and foremost among them the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
And since Israel is already an exemplary democracy, led by that great
democrat, Ariel Sharon, all that is needed now is to impose democracy
on the Palestinians. This means free elections for president and parliament.
here to download (36kb)
46. November 13, 2004
Rejoice not . . .
not when thine enemy falleth, and let not thine heart be glad when he
stumbleth, Lest the Lord see it, and it displease him. This biblical
injunction (Proverbs 24:17) is one of the most profound Jewish moral
tenets. In this connection, Israel is very far from being
a Jewish State, as it likes to define itself. The disgusting
filth poured out over Yasser Arafat during the last few days in practically
all the Israeli media makes one ashamed to be an Israeli.
here to download (36kb)
45. November 6, 2004
A man and his people
he may be buried when he passes away, the day will come when his remains
will be reinterred by a free Palestinian government in the holy shrines
in Jerusalem. Yasser Arafat is one of the generation of great leaders
who arose after World War II. The stature of a leader is not simply
determined by the size of his achievements, but also by the size of
the obstacles he had to overcome. In this respect, Arafat has no competitor
in the world: no leader of our generation has been called upon to face
such cruel tests and to cope with such adversities as he.
here to download (36kb)
44. October 30, 2004
The importance of being relevant
remember standing on the roof of a warehouse near Beirut harbor and
observing the armed and uniformed PLO fighters, headed by Yasser Arafat,
getting on the ships that took them westwards. End of the Arafat
era! rejoiced the newspapers in Israel the next day. Arafat
is politically a dead horse! said the radio commentators. Thank
God we are rid of him once and for all! TV talk-show hosts announced.
When I came back to Tel-Aviv, I was invited to a radio debate. For the
sake of balance, a right-wing journalist was also invited. It was Tommy
Lapid, the present Minister of Justice. Before entering the studio,
we chatted. I wonder if he remembers now what I told him then: You
have buried him a hundred times, and you a going to bury him a hundred
times more.
here to download (36kb)
October 16, 2004
Thank you, Dubby
really is important is not what he said or why he said it, but the world-view
that animates him. By now, everybody has had a go at analyzing the interview
with Dov (Dubby) Weisglass, Ariel Sharons most intimate
confidant. But there is precious little to analyze. His statement is
crystal clear: the redeployment plan was designed to freeze
the peace process for decades, to put all peace plans in formaldehyde,
to put an end to the possibility of a Palestinian state, once and for
all. A dozen small settlements will be dismantled in order to keep practically
all the 250,000 West Bank settlers where they are. Israel will concede
the Gaza Strip, which constitutes 1.3% of pre-1948 Palestine, in order
to take permanent possession of the West Bank, which is 16 times larger.
The Gaza Strip will be cut off from the world on land, by sea and in
the air, as will the seven or eight similar Palestinian enclaves that
will come into being on the West Bank.
here to download (36kb)
October 9, 2004
Don't believe a word
Ariel Sharon announced his plan for unilateral disengagement,
the media reported that the Peace Now movement was preparing a big public
campaign in support. The Prime Ministers office asked them to
desist, fearing that such a campaign would cause the extreme right to
oppose it. Peace Now was not the only leftist group that
waxed enthusiastic about the plan. The chiefs of the Labor Party declared
that it was really their own plan and that, therefore, it was their
duty to join the government and help Sharon to implement it.
here to download (36kb)
October 2, 2004
Eggs in one basket
a hundred years ago, the Russian Czars secret police cobbled together
a document they called the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
The authors were not particularly original - they took a
satire, written decades earlier about Napoleon IIIs ambitions
for world domination, and substituted Jewish rabbis for the French emperor.
According to the revised document, the Jews are plotting to control
the world, and the tentacles of this conspiracy reach everywhere. When
this fabrication was composed, the scenario was quite outlandish. In
mighty Russia, which at that time included a great part of Poland, Jews
had hardly any influence at all. In the German Reich, Jews were indeed
prominent in several fields - such as banking, commerce and the press
- but they were remote from the real centers of power.
here to download (36kb)
September 25, 2004
A nation? What nation?
sounds like a joke, but it is quite serious. The government of Israel
does not recognize the Israeli nation. It says that there is no such
thing. Could you imagine the French government denying the existence
of the French Nation? Or the government of the United States of America
not recognizing the (US) American nation? But then, Israel is the land
of unlimited possibilities. Every person in Israel is recorded in the
Interior Ministrys registry of inhabitants. The registration
includes the item nation. This entry also appears on the
Identity Card that every person in Israel is legally obliged to carry
with them at all times or risk criminal prosecution.
here to download (36kb)
September 18, 2004
The Temple Mount Bombers
Security Service is haunted by a terrible fear: that another Israeli
Prime Minister will be assassinated. The extreme right-wing, which does
not hide its admiration for Yigal Amir and his deed, harbors some who
dream of a similar action. After all, if Amir succeeded in murdering
the Oslo process, why shouldnt another Amir succeed in murdering
the process of dismantling the settlements in the Gaza Strip? But the
Security Service also entertains an even greater fear: that a Jewish
terror group will bomb the mosques on the Temple Mount.
here to download (36kb)
September 11, 2004
'God wills it'
shocking manifestos were published this week. Both call for comment.
One of them declares that dismantling the settlements in the Gaza Strip
is a crime against humanity. It does not mention that they
were set up on the land reserves of a million Palestinians crowded in
the tiny strip, and rob them of their scarce water. Their removal, it
says, is an expression of tyranny, evil and arbitrariness.
Officers and soldiers are called upon not to take part in this ethnic
cleansing. This manifesto is signed by the father and brother
of Binyamin Netanyahu, as well as Meir Har-Zion, the favorite pupil
of Ariel Sharon, who became famous in the 1950s for slitting the throats
of several innocent Beduins with his own hands in revenge for the killing
of his sister. Two former Directors General of the Prime Ministers
office also signed. Most of the signatories are not religious.
here to download (36kb)
September 4, 2004
How are you, Non-violence?
the mass meeting with Arun Gandhi, the grandson of the Mahatma, in Abu-Dis,
I observed the faces of the participants. While Gandhi was preaching
non-violence, I imagined a debate between two young Palestinians in
the audience. Yussuf: He is right. The armed intifada has failed.
Hassan: On the contrary. Without the actions of the martyrs, the
world would have forgotten us long ago.
here to download (36kb)
August 28, 2004
An officer in court
I came out of the beautiful Supreme Court building, I was feeling depressed.
I had listened for hours to proceedings on a number of applications
concerning the separation wall. I was especially interested in the part
of the wall that is threatening to ruin the lives of the residents of
a-Ram. There, it will be remembered, the planned wall runs the full
length of the Jerusalem-Ramallah road, which passes through a-Ram. The
strip along the middle of the road will be displaced by an 8-meter high
concrete wall that will cut off most of the towns inhabitants
from their work places, schools, hospitals and even cemetery.
here to download (36kb)
August 14, 2004
A drought in Texas
upon a time, an assistant to Levy Eshkol, our late Prime Minister, rushed
up to him and cried: Levy, a disaster! A drought has set in!
Where? the Prime Minister asked anxiously, in Texas?
No, here in Israel! the man replied.
Then theres nothing to worry about, Eshkol said dismissively.
Right from the beginning, the State of Israel has been critically affected
by events in the United States. If America sneezes, Israel catches
cold, is the local version of the universal saying. This is particularly
true in the run-up to American elections. They can be as important for
Israel as our own, since the occupant of the White House can influence
the fate of Israel in many significant ways. But they have an additional
significance: the months before the American elections are a kind of
open season for Israel.
here to download (36kb)
August 7 2004
Some order in the mess
Sharons disengagement plan has already made a mess
on all levels. It has sparked a continuing cabinet crisis, an upheaval
in several parties, a disorientation of public opinion, confusion in
the security establishment and armed confrontations between Palestinian
organizations. The Israeli peace movement is mixed up like everybody
else. Some support Sharon because of the plan and even want to join
his government, others denounce Sharon and the plan furiously. Lets
try to make some sense of this mess.
here to download (36kb)
July 31 2004
How the virgin became a whore
is a TV series about Russia. But it could have been about Israel. Or
about the United States. It is entitled The Oligarchs and
is now being screened on Israeli television. Some of its episodes are
simply unbelievable or would have been, if they had not come
straight from the horses mouths: the heroes of the story, who
gleefully boast about their despicable exploits. The series was produced
by Israeli immigrants from Russia. The oligarchs are a tiny
group of entrepreneurs who exploited the disintegration of the Soviet
system to loot the treasures of the state and to amass plunder amounting
to hundreds of billions of dollars. In order to safeguard the perpetuation
of their business, they took control of the state. Six out of the seven
are Jews.
here to download (36kb)
July 24 2004
The skin of the bear
am writing this with an aching heart. I have postponed writing it as
long as I could. In Jewish tradition, there is a searing phrase: The
Temple was not destroyed but for gratuitous hatred. It sums up
the events in beleaguered Jerusalem, in the year 70 AD, when the town
was surrounded by the Roman legions. While Titus soldiers were
maintaining the siege and the population was beginning to starve, inside
the town ferocious battles took place between various factions of zealots,
who killed each other and burnt each others last stores of wheat..Something
like this is now taking place in the Palestinian territories. While
the occupation forces are tightening the siege and carrying out targeted
killings, battles between the Palestinians themselves have broken
out, with militants shooting at each other, targeting leaders and burning
here to download (36kb)
July 17 2004
Marie and the ghosts
a trivial episode throws a revealing light on a grave public disease.
A classic example: the Captain of Koepenick. On the face of it, it was
a minor criminal incident: in 1906, a shoemaker named Wilhelm Voigt
was released from prison, after serving a sentence for forgery. To get
work he needed a passport, which, as a former convict, he could not
get. So he went to a junk shop and bought the uniform of an army captain,
commandeered some soldiers in the street, took them to Koepenick, a
Berlin suburb, arrested the mayor and confiscated the blank passports.
Since he was well-known to the police, he was soon arrested. All Europe
laughed at this exposure of the situation in Germany, where anyone wearing
a uniform was a king and every army officer a demigod.
here to download (36kb)
July 10 2004
There are judges in the Hague
of the Israeli newspapers, Haaretz, put the two events on the front
page: the 100th anniversary of the death of Theodor Herzl, the founder
of the modern Zionist movement, and the judgement of the International
Court of Justice, which declared the Israeli Separation Wall illegal.
This coincidence may seem fortuitous. What connection could there possibly
be between a historical anniversary and the latest topical event? But
there is a connection. It is expressed in one sentence written by Herzl
in Der Judenstaat, the book that became the cornerstone of Zionism.
here to download (36kb)
July 3 2004
Justice, gas and tears
the silence of the courtroom, there was an audible gasp of surprise
and shock when Supreme Justice Aharon Barak, reading the courts
decision, reached the words: The military commander did not use
his discretion in a proportional way, as required. At that moment
the veteran peace activists who filled the room realized that they had
won. Four days before, we could not have dreamt of that. We were far
from the sterile silence of the beautiful Supreme Court building: a
distance of a few kilometers geographically, a distance of light-years
mentally. At that time we were running through clouds of tear gas, choking
and coughing, in the center of A-Ram.
here to download (36kb)
June 26 2004
The starling went to the raven
old, worn-out whore who waits in vain for a man to seek her favors is
a pitiful sight indeed. The Israeli Labor Party is in this pathetic
position, but it is difficult to feel any pity for it. For months now,
the party has been waiting at the door of the Sharon government, hoping
to be invited in at any moment. From time to time Sharon opens the door,
shoots her a contemptuous look and slams the door shut in her face.
This week it happened again, for the nth time. Usually Shimon Peres
is blamed for this situation. Quite rightly, of course. Peres is longing
for the position of Foreign Minister the way a man dying of thirst in
the desert longs for water.
here to download (36kb)
June 20 2004
Irreversible mental damage
weeks ago, the international community made a shocking declaration.
Giving in to a demand by George Bush, the Quartet accepted
the Revised Disengagement Plan of Ariel Sharon. This means
that the United Nations, the European Union, the Russian Federation
and the United States confirmed this document. I wonder if any one of
the honorable diplomats has read the document with their own eyes. In
the first paragraph of the plan, the following words appear:
Israel has come to the conclusion that at present, there is no
Palestinian partner with whom it is possible to make progress on a bilateral
peace process.
here to download (36kb)
June 13 2004
The nightmare comes true
thought it was terrible. I was wrong. It is far, far worse! These
words sum up my feelings at that moment. I was standing on a hill overlooking
the infamous Kalandia checkpoint. Below me was a narrow road, packed
with Palestinians in the blazing sun, 30 degrees centigrade in the shade
(but there was no shade) trudging towards the checkpoint. Very soon
this road will be transformed. It will be widened to three lanes and
be reserved for Israelis: on both sides of it, 8-meter high walls will
spring up. It will allow the settlers of the Jordan valley to reach
Tel-Aviv in about an hour. The Palestinians living on either side will
be cut off from each other.
This is a small part of the new reality that is rapidly being created
on the West Bank and that is changing the country we knew and loved
beyond recognition.
here to download (36kb)
June 5 2004
To drink from the sea of Gaza
Abe Lincoln was right that you cant fool all the people all the
time, but a lot of people can surely be fooled for a long, long time.
Just look at Ariel Sharon. From the start, the Disengagement Plan
was an exercise in deceit. But the world is eager to be deceived. The
worlds statesmen take it seriously, it causes violent storms in
Israel, the media have a ball. All this for a plan that has neither
hands nor feet. So what is the purpose of all this mayhem? Cynics might
say: the mayhem itself. It puts Sharon in center stage where he can
continue to play the master of events. Now the commotion has reached
a climax. The main aim of the exercise is to satisfy George Bush.
here to download (36kb)
22. May 29 2004
Tommy's granny
a person buys his world in one moment, as the ancient Hebrew
saying goes. This was done by the Minister of Justice, Yosef (Tommy)
Lapid, when he uttered the words: This old woman reminds me of
my grandmother! This old woman, an inhabitant of the Rafah refugee
camp whose house was demolished by the Israeli army, was immortalized
by the camera while rummaging through the ruins of her home in a desperate
search for her medicine. Two days later, journalists found her at the
same place, still looking for her medicine under the debris.
here to download (36kb)
May 22 2004
The rape of Rafah
immense might of the Israeli army, assembled from all over the country,
has attacked a small Palestinian township on the margin of the destitute
Gaza Strip. Palestinians, both fighters and civilians, are being killed
by the dozen, homes are being destroyed wholesale, the sight of the
fleeing population bring back memories of 1948. All this for
here to download (36kb)
May 15 2004
Busharon: The countdown
strange creature named the Busharon is in serious trouble. The front
half of this animal George W. Bush is having trouble with
nude photos. Not only those of the hapless Iraqi prisoners, with the
exuberant female soldier pointing at their genitals, but also of Bush
himself, whose nakedness was exposed for all to see. The savior of the
Iraqi people from a cruel tyrant, the gallant leader bestowing democracy
on Mesopotamia, the representative of Western civilization fighting
against barbarism has himself been exposed as a cruel barbarian.
here to download (36kb)
May 4 2004
The Golem turns on his creator
Jewish legend, the Golem was a man-made creature endowed with enormous
strength. Rabbi Judah Loew of Prague, also know as the Maharal, created
him of clay and gave him life by putting a piece of paper with the secret
name of God under his tongue. The Golem helped the Jews defend themselves
against anti-Semitic rioters, but one day he turned against his creator.
He sowed ruin and destruction, until, at the last moment, the rabbi
succeeded in extracting the piece of paper from his mouth. The Golem
turned back into a heap of clay.
Ariel Sharon is not a rabbi and the Kabbalah is a closed book to him.
But he has created a Golem: the settlement movement in the occupied
here to download (36kb)
May 1 2004
Living in a bubble
few days ago, the State of Israel celebrated its 56th anniversary according
to the Hebrew (lunar) calendar. A chance to escape from reality for
a day, at a time when the whole country was braced for suicide-bombings
to avenge the assassination of Sheik Ahmed Yassin and Dr. Abd-al-Aziz
al-Rantissi. A day of nostalgia for the Israel of the early years, the
years of innocence and youth. There were speeches, spectacles, fireworks.
The solemn voice of Amikam Gurewitz recited the memorial prayer for
the fallen soldiers of all our wars in decades-old tradition. Bereaved
parents relive their pain. Groups of soldiers, male and female, exchange
flags. Boys and girls dance the old and half-forgotten folk dances.
The media full of the heroic deeds of our soldiers facing a cruel enemy,
the sacrifices of the pioneers, the selfless idealism of the founders.
A lot of speeches about democracy and the hope for peace.
here to download (36kb)
April 24 2004
Vanunu: The terrible secret
the darkness of a cinema, a womans voice: Hey! Take your
hands off! Not you! YOU! This old joke illustrates the American
policy regarding nuclear armaments in the Middle East. Hey, you
there, Iraq and Iran and Libya, stop it! Not YOU, Israel! The
danger of nuclear arms was the main pretext for the invasion of Iraq.
Iran is threatened in order to compel it to stop its nuclear efforts.
Libya has surrendered and is dismantling its nuclear installations.
So what about Israel? This week it became clear that the Americans are
full partners in the creation of Israels nuclear option.
How was this exposed? With the help of Mordecai Vanunu, of course."
here to download (36kb)
April 17 2004
Sharons skin and Bushs spots
Is the Unilateral Disengagement plan, which was so dramatically
endorsed this week by President Bush, a bluff?
Answer: Yes and No. If Ariel Sharon can avoid implementing it, he certainly
will. He will implement it only if he has no alternative. The written
plan says that it will be implemented by the end of 2005
and by then the situation in this country and in the Middle East
as a whole may be changed beyond recognition."
here to download (36kb)
April 10 2004
Bitter Rice: The March of Folly (2)
following passage may look familiar: On the fourth day of the
1982 Israeli attack on Lebanon, I crossed the border at a lonely spot
near Metulla and looked for the front, which had already reached the
outskirts of Sidon. I was driving my private car, accompanied by a woman
photographer. We passed a dozen Shiite villages and were received everywhere
with great joy. We extracted ourselves only with difficulty from hundreds
of villagers, each one insisting that we have coffee at their home.
On the previous days, they had showered the Israeli soldiers with rice.
A few months later I joined an army convoy going in the opposite direction,
from Sidon to Metulla. The soldiers were now wearing bulletproof vests
and helmets, many were on the verge of panic."
here to download (36kb)
April 3 2004
A letter to President Arafat
write these lines in order to protest against a statement that I cannot
ignore. In the weekly Palestinian paper, The Jerusalem Times, there
appeared on March 26 a short item reporting that you have viewed the
controversial film of Mel Gibson, The Passion of the Christ.
Afterwards your advisor and close assistant, Nabil Abu-Rudeina, stated
that you found the film moving and historical. Abu-Rudeina
added that the Palestinians are still daily being exposed to the
kind of pain Jesus was exposed to during his crucifixion. If the
statement had not appeared in a Palestinian paper, I would have believed
that it was invented by Ariel Sharons propaganda machine. It is
hard to imagine a sentence more capable of hurting the Palestinian cause.
here to download (36kb)
March 27 2004
Three generals, one martyr
hundred black- and white-bearded Hamas members were sitting opposite
me. Venerable sheikhs and young people. On the side, some rows were
occupied by women. I was standing on the stage, talking in Hebrew, with
the crossed flags of Israel and Palestine on my lapel.
As I have recounted already several times, it happened like this: at
the end of 1992, the new Prime Minister, Yitzhaq Rabin, expelled 415
Islamic activists mostly Hamas members to the Lebanese
border area. In protest, we put up tents opposite the Prime Ministers
office in Jerusalem.
here to download (36kb)
March 20 2004
Bravo amigos
Prime Minister is waging war. The great majority of the people oppose
the war. The majority vote for the Prime Minister. Absurd? Well, that
was the situation in Spain. It also applies, more or less, in Israel.
But here the similarity ends. The Spanish people have thrown their Prime
Minister out. The Israeli people go on supporting their Prime Minister.
The Spaniards, in their innocence, believe that if a Prime Minister
does the opposite of what the great majority of the people want, he
has to go. They think that this is what democracy is all about. In Israel,
such a thing is unthinkable.
here to download (36kb)
March 13 2004
The Palestinian Romeo
Mer was a tempestuous and exciting woman. She was the daughter of a
professor of medicine, who had already become a legend in his own lifetime.
As a young woman she joined the legendary Palmakh fighters of the underground
army, and since then the Keffiyah affected by them became her trade-mark.
After the 1948 war she joined the Communist party, then the most hated
group in Israel, and married an Arab party functionary. Her two well-known
sons, Juliano and Spartak, bear revolutionary names.
here to download (36kb)
March 6 2004
O Tannenbaum, Oh Tannebaum!
is a well-established Israeli ritual: One takes a trivial matter, declares
it to be the center of national life, decorates it and dances around
it, all in order to escape from the real national problems that are
so exasperating and frightening. This time it really is a fir tree.
A gentleman called Elhanan Tannenbaum. He was a prisoner of Hizbullah.
In order to bring him back home, together with the bodies of three soldiers,
Ariel Sharon released several hundred terrorists. Since
then, the whole country has been in uproar, day after day, week after
here to download (36kb)
Feb 28 2004
The ghetto inside
is easier to get the Jews out of the ghetto than to get the ghetto out
of the Jews! this dictum of the early Zionists is now assuming
a new meaning. Israel is cutting itself off from the world and enclosing
itself in a ghetto, and not only physically. In The Hague, the proceedings
of the International Court of Justice on the Separation Wall have started.
Sharons people understand that they have no chance of winning
and have decided, therefore, to boycott the session. Instead of arguing
their case before the court, they decided to organize a street event,
in the spirit of the classic Israeli maxim: If your case is weak,
raise your voice!
here to download (36kb)
Feb 21 2004
Sharon's dancing bear
upon a time there was a popular kind of street show: a bear would dance
for the amusement of passers by, who would throw coins into his box.
The bear was big and frightening, but his clumsy movements made people
laugh. He was much stronger than his master, who kept him on a chain,
but submitted to him completely. A wonder to behold. The national symbol
of the United States is the eagle. The bear, as everybody knows, is
the national symbol of Russia. But looking at the Sharon-Bush relationship,
it is the old master-and-bear show that inevitably springs to mind.
here to download (36kb)
Feb 14 2004
Yes, Minister!
one of the episodes of the outstanding British TV series Yes,
Minister! the Permanent Undersecretary, Sir Humphrey, teaches
his minister how to use Commissions of Inquiry: Take an honorable retired
judge, a doddering old fool, and put him in charge of the inquiry, with
a sizable honorarium. Help him to arrive himself at the required conclusions.
Feed him the appropriate facts and hint at a peerage. From there on,
everything will work out as desired. At this moment, three parallel
but separate commissions of inquiry are at work: one American, one British
and one Israeli. All three are supposed to find out why the intelligence
community supplied the government with false information about Saddam
Husseins weapons of mass destruction (WMD).
here to download (36kb)
Feb 7 2004
Go to Gaza
you want to make the deal of a lifetime? Go to Gaza! The government
has kindly laid on armored vehicles for this purpose. Once there, you
can obtain the villa you have dreamt about all your life, with two floors
and a green lawn, for next to nothing. The State is rich. You can put
up greenhouses and produce flowers or vegetables. Once upon a time you
could engage Palestinian workers, who would work for a pittance. They
had no alternative, because their land was taken away from them. Now
this is too dangerous, so you will engage workers from Thailand, who
get even less.
here to download (36kb)
Jan 31 2004
Mourning becomes Israel
ceremonies on the same day, but what a difference! At an Israeli Air
Force base, the bodies of three soldiers killed on the Lebanese border
were ceremonially repatriated. The bodies had been held for three years
by Hisbullah (the Party of God), who also freed a rather
shady Israeli businessman they had detained in Beirut. In return, the
Sharon government released 429 prisoners, Palestinian, Lebanese and
others, and returned to Lebanon the bodies of 60 Lebanese militants
buried temporarily in Israel. The Lebanese prisoners who were released
by Israel arrived at Beirut airport at exactly the time the bodies of
the three soldiers arrived at the Israeli air base. Television created
a virtual reality: the viewer could be present at both ceremonies simultaneously.
By a simple movement of the finger, one could switch from Israel to
Lebanon and back in a split second.
here to download (36kb)
Jan 24 2004
An eskimo in bantustan
Eskimo comes to town and sees a piece of glass for the first time in
his life. The glass looks to him like ice. Ice is transparent, and so
is glass. Ice can be chewed. So the Eskimo puts the glass in his mouth
and starts to chew. This is quite logical behavior. It is a warning
against the over-simple use of analogies. Analogies are a useful device
in many instances, but one must always check how far the similarity
goes. They should not be applied blindly, because they may lead to a
fallacious conclusion.
here to download (36kb)
Jan 17 2004
Anti-semitism: a practical manual
Hungarian Joke: During the June 1967 war, a Hungarian meets his friend.
Why do you look so happy? he asks. I heard that the
Israelis shot down six Soviet-made MiGs today, his friend replies.
The next day, the friend looks even more jubilant. The Israelis
downed another eight MiGs, he announces. On the third day, the
friend is crestfallen. What happened? Didnt the Israelis
down any MiGs today? the man asks. They did, the friend
answers, But today someone told me that the Israelis are Jews!
here to download (36kb)
Jan 10 2004
A fox called Lion
really cant rely on these Arabs. Take this fellow, Qaddafi. For
decades he played the clown. The whole world laughed at him (except
when he downed a French plane in Chad and the Pan-Am jet over Lockerbie.)
His Libya was a rogue state, an international pariah. He
was working on Weapons of Mass Destruction. The Americans hated him,
and from time to time bombed him, killing his daughter on one such occasion.
You could rely on good old Qaddafi. He supplied us with an alibi for
producing all kinds of interesting weapons. Everybody understood that
with such people around, Israel needs the doomsday weapon, and that
its useless to talk about peace. And then, suddenly?
here to download (36kb)
Jan 3 2004
Who needs an imitation?
you believe it? The Israeli Labor Party has a political program. Like
a top hat for a bum. Seems this program has been around for two months
already. I just didnt hear a thing about it until somebody took
pity on me and faxed me a copy the other day. This is the Labor Party
that is now considering whether to extend Shimon Peres term as
party chairman for another year or two. Shimon Peres, who served as
Ariel Sharons foreign minister and who is now longing to return
to Sharons government.
here to download (36kb)
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